Trenbolone Base
Trenbolone Base
Trenbolone Base 50 mg/ml
1 x 10 ml bottle, 50 mg per ml
Trenbolone is a steroid derived from 19-nortestosterone and is one of the strongest and most effective steroids currently in existence.
Due to its high affinity for androgen receptors, it is a versatile steroid that is very helpful in building muscle, losing fat and increasing strength. It is especially useful during a cutting phase to maintain as much lean mass as possible while losing fat.
Although the side effects are often exaggerated and are very dose-dependent, it should be noted that it can cause sleep disturbances (depending on the dose and time of use) as well as mood swings (depending on the person).
Since it has no ester, the effects start almost immediately. It can be used as a pre-workout to generate additional strength/aggression or during a powerlifting competition.
A single dose of 50-75 mg before training is recommended.